Monday, February 11, 2013

Sweetheart of the Month...Jessica Mancha!

Texas Sweethearts is proud to feature Jessica Mancha as Sweetheart of the Month! Jessica is a sophomore Speech Language Pathology major from Longview, Texas, and joined Sweethearts in Spring 2012. Outside of Sweethearts, she enjoys watching the Vampire Diaries and spending time with friends. You are as good as good, Jessica! 


Sweetie Class: Spring '12

Hometown: Longview, TX

Favorite Thing About Sweethearts: I love thebonds I get to form with the girls in my sweetie class. Within that group there are my best friends, my future maid of honor, and overall girls that I can be myself entirely with.

Favorite memory: 
The night we got into sweethearts ins my favorite memory. Having an adrenaline rush of excitement knowing that from that day on my life would be different at The University of Texas.

Dream job:
My absolute dream job would be to work for People Magazine because I am so invested in pop-culture. But in all reality it would be to open up a clinic named "H&M Speech and Hearing Clinic (Huskey&Mancha)" with my sweetie sister, Kendra, since she's studying to be an Audiologist and I a Speech Pathologist.

What would you do if you won the lottery tomorrow?
Unfortunately and sadly, I'd call and ask my Dad how to cash and make a deposit with the bank since I've never had to deal with money. Haha.

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