Thursday, February 21, 2013

Spirit Group Breakdown: Texas Sweethearts

Felicia Fitzpatrick of Her Campus Texas featured Texas Sweethearts in her spirit group break down this week! Check out what we're all about!

It's no secret that spirit groups are a huge deal here at UT, and with a school as amazing as ours, there are plenty of ways to show your school spirit. We wanted to catch up with some of the campus' most notable spirit groups to see just what these girls are up to. Now, we chat with Stephanie Jean, president of the Texas Sweethearts to find out what these tailgating girls are all about. 

HC Texas: Why did you join Texas Sweethearts? 

Stephanie Jean: I came to college with hardly any friends from home, so when I arrived on campus, I felt so incredibly lost and out of place among the 50,000 students at Texas. I wanted so badly to have the same type of friendships that I had in high school, so I began looking into the several different spirit organizations on campus. I immediately found something special and unique in Texas Sweethearts. I felt at ease with all the members, and I could tell that nothing was forced and that there was a genuine friendship among each and every one of them. They were dedicated, enthusiastic, and ambitious, and I knew that I just had to join.

HCTX: What makes your organization different from other spirit/service organizations? 

SJ: Texas Sweethearts is unique in that we truly strive to equally fulfill all three of our pillars- spirit, service, and social. First and foremost, we are students at THE University of Texas, which means we bleed orange and do everything we can to support Texas athletics. We are the only female organization on campus to host our own tailgates, and we are fortunate to have several loyal sponsors in the Austin area. In addition to our intense school spirit, we are passionate about serving our community. Whether it is volunteering with underprivileged children at our main philanthropy, BeHive, or feeding the homeless at Feed My People, we love to give back in every way that we can. Lastly, we have a wide array of social events throughout the semester to keep our actives busy. These include a trip to TX/OU weekend in Dallas, Big/Lil events, Cocktail, Winter Formal, Parents' Weekend, mixers with male spirit groups and athletic teams, and many, many more.

HCTX: What events do the Texas Sweethearts have? Any coming up?

SJ: In the fall, our biggest event is our annual Dream Date auction. Dream Date is a charity auction, and in 2012, we were fortunate to have record-breaking attendance and we raised over $10,000 for our philanthropy, BeHive. We were ecstatic to hand over 100 percent of the proceeds to the deserving kids at BeHive! An exciting event that we have coming up this spring semester is Senior Call. We hold this event every May to honor our graduating seniors- it is definitely a tear fest for all!

Photo taken by: Briana Denham

HCTX: What's something students may be surprised to find out about Texas Sweethearts?

SJ: Many students may not know that when Sweethearts was founded, we were affiliated with the Texas Wranglers and were called the "Texas Wrangler Sweethearts." Although we are no longer formally associated with the Wranglers, we continue to have a great relationship with them and enjoy supporting them at service and social events!

HCTX: Tell us something that people should absolutely know about Texas Sweethearts!

SJ: Texas Sweethearts is one of a kind. There are not enough words to explain how incredible this organization is. We are filled with the most committed, fun-loving, and genuine girls who support when you're reaching and love if you fall. Being a Texas Sweetheart has absolutely defined my time at the University of Texas, and I have no doubt that it has the potential to do the same for every female on campus.

You can view Felicia's original article here. Visit Her Campus Texas' Facebook Page for more and to share Texas Sweethearts' featured post.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Welcome Spring '13 Sweeties!

After another successful and competitive recruitment, we are proud to announce our incredible and beautiful Spring '13 sweetie class! We are so excited for each and every one of our new sweeties, and we are honored to welcome them into our sisterhood. Sweetie semester is one of the most exciting and fun times as a Texas Sweetheart, and we could not be happier for you all! Congratulations to our Spring '13 recruitment chair, Emily Linn, for an amazing recruitment!

Andrea Barrick

Ariel Espinoza
Audrey Camero
Brittany Boone
Camille Garcia
Claire Trammel
Danielle Fenson
Erin Slemp
Felicia Shraim
Haley Shepard
Jen Nwuli
Jenny Shank
Jessica Hall
Kathleen Lee
Lauren Mynderse
Lauren Venticinque
Lisa Myers
Marla Wofford
Mary Drisdale
Megan Brown
Melissa Broaddus
Nina Nyberg
Reid Fagerquist
Rosalyn Broad
Pauline Berens
Sarah Lackey
Sylvia Ofor
Taryn Rosow
Taylor Smith
Whitney Barlow

Monday, February 11, 2013

Sweetheart of the Month...Jessica Mancha!

Texas Sweethearts is proud to feature Jessica Mancha as Sweetheart of the Month! Jessica is a sophomore Speech Language Pathology major from Longview, Texas, and joined Sweethearts in Spring 2012. Outside of Sweethearts, she enjoys watching the Vampire Diaries and spending time with friends. You are as good as good, Jessica! 


Sweetie Class: Spring '12

Hometown: Longview, TX

Favorite Thing About Sweethearts: I love thebonds I get to form with the girls in my sweetie class. Within that group there are my best friends, my future maid of honor, and overall girls that I can be myself entirely with.

Favorite memory: 
The night we got into sweethearts ins my favorite memory. Having an adrenaline rush of excitement knowing that from that day on my life would be different at The University of Texas.

Dream job:
My absolute dream job would be to work for People Magazine because I am so invested in pop-culture. But in all reality it would be to open up a clinic named "H&M Speech and Hearing Clinic (Huskey&Mancha)" with my sweetie sister, Kendra, since she's studying to be an Audiologist and I a Speech Pathologist.

What would you do if you won the lottery tomorrow?
Unfortunately and sadly, I'd call and ask my Dad how to cash and make a deposit with the bank since I've never had to deal with money. Haha.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Sweetheart of the Week: Olivia Guillory

Congrats to Olivia Guillory for being Sweetheart of the Week! She has gone above and beyond the minimum requirements to help make our organization the best that it can be! 


Sweetie Class: Spring '12

Major: Biology, B.A.
Hometown: Cypress, Texas

Favorite Thing About Sweethearts: I love how down to earth and fun the girls are. Sweethearts is an amazing way to meet genuine girls who want to make the organization and their experience at UT the best it can be. I was inspired by how creative, funny, diverse, and talented all these ladies are and I could not have picked a better group to call my Sweethearts sisters. 

What is one piece of advice that you would give to a Sweetie?
Sweetie semester is challenging but in retrospect it was one of the best semesters I've had! You become realllyyy (and I mean REALLY) good at time management and it's amazing how fast and close you get with your sweetie class. I would advise you to enjoy every minute of it...even when it seems overwhelming...because it's such a great way to grow in multiple ways. Stay open minded, stay true and stay focused and you'll be amazed at home much you are capable of doing!!

If you could have any super power, what would it be and why?
Time travel or the ability to speak every language (if those count! If I could have any super power I would want to be able to fly (even though I'm scared of heights lol). I could escape things, avoid traffic, see things from new angles and fly anywhere to go on vacation. Not too bad if you ask me! 

If you could travel ANYWHERE in the world where would you choose?
Sweltering hot! I'm a huge sissy when it comes to cold weather. If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would love to go to an undiscovered tropical island. All I need is a white sandy beach, a hammock, a surfboard and some good music and I will be the happiest person in the entire world.