Thursday, January 17, 2013

President's Welcome

I am incredibly honored to have the privilege of serving as the Spring 2013 president of what I believe is the most amazing sisterhood here at the University of Texas. I am so looking forward to doing my absolute best to lead Texas Sweethearts to bigger and better things in our 27th year as a student organization on campus.

Four years ago, I was an intimidated freshman who came to UT with hardly any friends from home. I knew that UT was a large university, but nothing could prepare me for how small and lost I would feel amongst 50,000 students. I decided to explore several spirit organizations that first semester, but I wasn't accepted into the ones that I was most interested in, including Sweethearts. I felt even more out of place and wanted so badly to transfer. In the spring, I again looked around at different spirit groups and found something so special in Texas Sweethearts. There was something about how down to earth, relaxed, fun, and genuine the active members were. I could tell that there was a sincere friendship between every single one of them, and nothing was forced. I took a leap of faith and decided to apply again, and I can honestly say that it was one of the best decisions that I have made throughout my undergraduate career.

I am forever grateful for what Texas Sweethearts has given to me. I have not only acquired lifelong friendships, amazing memories, countless opportunities to give back, and invaluble leadership experience, but I have also gained a sense of belonging on campus - a home away from home. It saddens me to think about this spring being my last semester in college, because more than anything, I will truly miss this organization and the girls that have become my family.

To all prospective members, I am so excited to share my love for Sweethearts with all of you. I know how scary and intimidating recruitment can be, but if you have even the smallest desire to join a spirit group, I encourage you to come out to one of our information sessions and all of our smoker events to really get to know us and what we are all about. I am confident that you will meet the most genuine, fun-loving, dedicated girls on campus. Our recruitment is truly a mutual selection process where as much as we want to get to know you, we also want you to be able to feel comfortable and assured that Texas Sweethearts is the perfect organization for you. I hope that you will find that same sincerity that I found four years ago.

On behalf of our officer board and our entire active body, I want to welcome all of you to our Spring 2013 recruitment process. We are so incredibly excited to meet you throughout the upcoming weeks!

Sweetheart love,

Stephanie Jean
Spring 2013 President

Join our recruitment Facebook group ( for the most updated information about our recruitment process and events.

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