Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Closing it out with a bang!

As the Fall '12 semester came to close, we had much to celebrate. Not only did we win the IM volleyball championship and host a successful Dream Date philanthropy event but we also gained 28 incredible new Sweetheart sisters. We celebrated the semester with several social events including Parents' Weekend, banquet, and winter formal. 

Thank you so much to Fall '12 president, Morgan Germany, and the Fall '12 officer board for a fun, exciting, and memorable semester! 

Kelly O'Connor (Fall '12) and her parents at Parents' Weekend 
Abby Hanna (Fall '12) & Abbey Pennington (Spring '11) and parents
Fall '12 superlative winners at banquet
Sweetheart big/lil family at banquet
Winter Formal 2012
Fall '12 Sweeties at Formal 2012

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