Monday, October 29, 2012

Sweethearts/Sweetie of the Week

Congratulations to Hannah Bass and Kristi Clem for being named our most recent Sweethearts of the Week! These girls go above and beyond the minimum requirements to help make our organization the best that it can be, and we are so appreciative of all that they have done for us. Also, our very first Sweetie of the Week for the fall semester is Mayela Barreda! We are so excited to have her as part of our new member class. She was an amazing help throughout our TX/OU weekend trip to Dallas, and she is an incredible asset to the Fall '12 class- thank you Mayela for stepping up and being an awesome companion to your Sweetie sisters!

Hannah Bass


Sweetie Class: Fall '10
Major: Bilingual Education EC - 6th grade
Favorite thing about Sweethearts: My favorite thing about Sweethearts are the connections that I have made with so many different people. I have made so many memories with true friends that will last a lifetime.
What is one piece of advice that you would give to a Sweetie? Be organized and don't procrastinate! P.S. you will survive :)
If you could have any super power, what would it be and why? Super speed so that I can get more done in a day and still spend time with those who matter
If you had to live in freezing cold weather or sweltering hot weather for the rest of your life, which would you choose? Sweltering hot, that's why I'm a Texas girl! :)

Kristi Clem


Sweetie Class: Fall '11
Major: Business - Marketing
Favorite thing about Sweethearts: The girls who have become my Sweetheart family. These friends are the most fun, supportive, and beautiful girls I've ever known. I couldn't imagine my college experience without them!
What is one piece of advice that you would give to a Sweetie? Enjoy your Sweetie semester, and take advantage of all the times that you are with your Sweetie sisters! They will become your friends for life!
What is one thing that you couldn't live without? My laptop - my entire academic existence depends on it!
If you could sit front row at anyone's concert, who would you choose? I feel like front for Drake would be insane.

Mayela Barreda


Sweetie Class: Fall '12
Major: Undeclared, but I would like to pursue a degree in architecture
What made you choose to join Texas Sweethearts over all the other spirit organizations on campus? As soon as I met my then future big and a few of the officers and actives at the first recruitment profit share, I knew there was no need to look into any other spirit organizations. Even though I knew that it would be extremely difficult to get into Sweethearts, I just knew that I had to apply, because everyone in Sweethearts was so welcoming and friendly. Best decision I've made this semester!
If you had to eat ONE thing for the rest of your life, what would you choose? Sushi!


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