Monday, October 29, 2012

Sweethearts/Sweetie of the Week

Congratulations to Hannah Bass and Kristi Clem for being named our most recent Sweethearts of the Week! These girls go above and beyond the minimum requirements to help make our organization the best that it can be, and we are so appreciative of all that they have done for us. Also, our very first Sweetie of the Week for the fall semester is Mayela Barreda! We are so excited to have her as part of our new member class. She was an amazing help throughout our TX/OU weekend trip to Dallas, and she is an incredible asset to the Fall '12 class- thank you Mayela for stepping up and being an awesome companion to your Sweetie sisters!

Hannah Bass


Sweetie Class: Fall '10
Major: Bilingual Education EC - 6th grade
Favorite thing about Sweethearts: My favorite thing about Sweethearts are the connections that I have made with so many different people. I have made so many memories with true friends that will last a lifetime.
What is one piece of advice that you would give to a Sweetie? Be organized and don't procrastinate! P.S. you will survive :)
If you could have any super power, what would it be and why? Super speed so that I can get more done in a day and still spend time with those who matter
If you had to live in freezing cold weather or sweltering hot weather for the rest of your life, which would you choose? Sweltering hot, that's why I'm a Texas girl! :)

Kristi Clem


Sweetie Class: Fall '11
Major: Business - Marketing
Favorite thing about Sweethearts: The girls who have become my Sweetheart family. These friends are the most fun, supportive, and beautiful girls I've ever known. I couldn't imagine my college experience without them!
What is one piece of advice that you would give to a Sweetie? Enjoy your Sweetie semester, and take advantage of all the times that you are with your Sweetie sisters! They will become your friends for life!
What is one thing that you couldn't live without? My laptop - my entire academic existence depends on it!
If you could sit front row at anyone's concert, who would you choose? I feel like front for Drake would be insane.

Mayela Barreda


Sweetie Class: Fall '12
Major: Undeclared, but I would like to pursue a degree in architecture
What made you choose to join Texas Sweethearts over all the other spirit organizations on campus? As soon as I met my then future big and a few of the officers and actives at the first recruitment profit share, I knew there was no need to look into any other spirit organizations. Even though I knew that it would be extremely difficult to get into Sweethearts, I just knew that I had to apply, because everyone in Sweethearts was so welcoming and friendly. Best decision I've made this semester!
If you had to eat ONE thing for the rest of your life, what would you choose? Sushi!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Work Hard, Play Hard

Voted Best Social Organization by the University of Texas Leadership & Ethics Institute in 2011, we strive to continue promoting the social pillar of our organization to allow our members to have fun after long hours of homework and studying. Most notably, we kicked off the semester with a mixer with Tejas, welcomed our Fall '12 Sweeties in with Blazer Tag, enjoyed a bartab with the Texas Wranglers, and came up with our best "Bikers and Babes" costumes for our mixer with Spikes. A big shout out to our Fall '12 social co-chairs, McKenna Conti and Sarah Rose, for doing an amazing job this semester!

Blazer Tag!
Bartab at Recess with Wranglers!
Big/Lil events! Morgan S. (Spring '12) & Victoria Salido (Fall '12)
Fall '12 Sweeties Kathryn H. & Lauren L. at Spikes mixer!
Katy F. (Fall '12), Mary H. (Spring '11) & Rita C. (Fall '12)
at Spikes "Bikers & Babes" mixer!

Texas Football - Hook 'em Horns!

Something that we love most about the fall is football season! Texas Sweethearts is the only female student organization on campus to host our very own tailgates. This season, we have co-hosted tailgates with other student organizations including the Texas Wranglers, Texas Iron Spikes, and Theta Chi. All our members sit together at the football games in the Tejas flashcard section with the entire spirit group community. Most recently, we had the opportunity to assist Tejas in setting up their flashcard section before the Texas vs. Baylor game at DKR, and we had a blast!

Sweeties at Texas vs. West Virginia
Kelly F., Molly M., Sarah R., & Melissa M. (Fall '10) at
the first game of the season!
Kathryn H. (Fall '12), Erin M. (Spring '11) & Katelyn K. (Fall '11) at Texas vs. Baylor tailgate w/ Spikes

Every year, our organization travels to Dallas, Texas for the Texas vs. OU Red River Rivalry. Our members take a bus down to the Big D and spend an entire weekend in the city and at the State Fair. On Friday night, we were also able to meet up with the North Texas Sweethearts for a large Sweethearts dinner! We were so excited for our members to finally meet, and it was definitely a memorable night- thank you North Texas Sweethearts for coming all the way to Las Colinas to meet up with us! Even though Texas was unable to pull out a win against Oklahoma at the Cotton Bowl this year, we still had a fabulous time, and it's all thanks to our amazing social co-chairs, Sarah Rose and McKenna Conti! Thank you both for all of your hard work in planning an incredible weekend!

Dinner with North Texas Sweethearts! So much love
At the TX/OU game in the Cotton Bowl!
At the State Fair of Texas

We are looking forward to our last tailgate against Iowa State on November 10th and for the last home game of the season against TCU in mid-November.

Until next time.... Hook 'em Horns!

On the field at DKR after setting up flashcards w/ Tejas!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Welcome Fall '12 Sweeties!

We are so incredibly excited to introduce our 29 beautiful new sweeties! As always, we met hundreds of great girls throughout the past few weeks, and we want to sincerely thank each and every one of them for all of the time and dedication that they put into our recruitment process this semester. 

Welcome to our sisterhood, Fall '12 sweeties! We can't wait to show you why Texas Sweethearts means so much to us. We're so happy and excited for all of you!

Abby Hanna
Amanda Rogers

Beth Vaca

Emily Blevins

Haley Meadows

Emma Brown

Kaitlyn Sharp

Kathryn Holmes 
Katy Ferrero

Kelly O'Connor

Kimberley Schouest

Lauren Bubak

Lauren Lipinski

Lauren Vasquez

Linda Martinez

Madeline Roemer

Madison Bailey

Mayela Barreda

Morgan Thelen 
Natalie Nooner

Olivia Wheatley

Regan Lewis

Riane Cretney

Sheila Rao

Tori Smith

Valerie Evans

Vanessa Peterson

Victoria Salido

Whitney Berndt

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Sweethearts of the Week

Congratulations to our first two Sweethearts of the Week for the Fall 2012 semester! Throughout the past month, Katelyn Knippa and Jackie Ortiz have dedicated so much time and hard work during our recruitment process and through our first few service events. Thank you both so much for all that you do for us - we are so grateful for amazing actives like the two of you!

Katelyn Knippa

Sweetie Class: Fall 2011
Major: Civil Engineering
What do you like most about Sweethearts?
My sweetie sisters are what makes Sweethearts as awesome and special as it is to me.
What is your dream job? 
Right now, I aspire to be an engineering consultant/project manager.
If you could have lunch with anyone (past or present), who would it be?
I would love to meet my grandmother on my mom's side! Ilona Petersen was a chemical engineer who worked for 3M. She was part of a team who re-engineered Scotch tape in order ot keep it from yellowing over time. Unfortunately, I never had the chance to know her, but I've been told time after time that I am so much like her!
What is something that your friends would be surprised to know about you?
My friends would be quite surprised to find out that I am actually a writer at heart! (Although, I may not be any good.) I have quite a few ideas for novels bouncing around in my head... but they're for my eyes only, of course.

Jackie Ortiz

Sweetie Class: Fall 2010
Major: Communication Science Disorders (Speech Language Pathology)
What do you like most about Sweethearts? I love that no matter what people are supporting me and are proud of the things that I am doing! It feels so nice to have that at such a huge school.
What is your favorite memory of Sweethearts? Big/little reveal and being S-dropped!
If you were an ice cream flavor, what would you be and why? Homemade vanilla! You can eat it alone or add all the fixings, and it tastes yummy no matter what :)
If you won the lottery tomorrow, what is the first thing that you would do? Book a flight far away! Anywhere- I would just go!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

President's Welcome


My name is Morgan Germany and I am honored to serve as the Fall 2012 president of Texas Sweethearts. As I’m sure most of you all know, recruitment is currently underway, and I know I can speak for all of the actives and officers when I say that we cannot wait to meet you all!

Joining Texas Sweethearts five semesters ago was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Aside from always having study buddies, friends to have fun with, and girls to attend football games with, I also have a family. Texas Sweethearts has really become my home away from home, and I know that I could call any of these girls for any reason!

Our mission statement states that “Texas Sweethearts are a diverse group of young women…”, and we really are just that! We have girls from every major, ethnicity, age, city/state, and everyone has their own hobbies, ideals, and talents. Whether you like to spend your Saturday nights out on the town or crowded in your best friend’s apartment making s’mores and watching Gossip Girl, you are sure to fit in! Hundreds of girls over the years have found their best friends, bridesmaids, sisters, and family in Texas Sweethearts. I hope that you will too!

I look forward to seeing you all at the upcoming recruitment events!

Morgan Germany
Fall 2012 President

(Please join if you are interested in joining Texas Sweethearts!)

Monday, July 2, 2012

Sweet Summertime

After a long year of schoolwork, our actives are travelling the world this summer! From Hong Kong to London to Puerto Rico, there are Texas Sweethearts everywhere. Whether it is vacationing, fulfilling an internship, studying abroad or visiting family, Sweethearts are enjoying summertime outside of Texas in some of the most beautiful and incredible places around the world.

We hope everyone is having a fabulous summer!

Alyssa Gonzalez (Fall '10) in Egypt 
Lisa Kao (Spring '12) at the Great Wall of China

Kaylee & Shelby Wanslow (Fall '11)
representing Sweethearts in Greece
Darcy Dean (Spring '10) in Colmar, France

Riane Yates (Spring '12) in Edinburgh, Scotland
Joelle Cubero (Spring '11) in Puerto Rico
Stephanie Yarborough (Spring '11) in Paris, France
Hiba Tazi (Spring '11) enjoying an internship in Morocco