Sunday, May 15, 2011

Farewell Spring '11

Senior Call 2011 on Lake Travis
As classes came to an end on Friday, May 6, our actives enjoyed a Sweethearts filled weekend to cap off the spring semester. First off, on Saturday, May 7, actives came together for our annual Senior Call, and it was an event to remember. Actives spent the afternoon on a barge on Lake Travis celebrating the graduation of our senior members. A special tradition of Senior Call is that each senior has a poem written for them, and the poems are read aloud by another active that they are close friends with. The poem reading brought tears and laughter for everyone! With food, swimming, sun, and sisterhood, Senior Call 2011 was a great way to show our seniors how much we will miss them. The graduating seniors are some of the most active and influential members that Sweethearts has ever had, and they will truly be missed by the entire organization. We wish you the best in all your future endeavors and know that each and everyone of you will reach new heights. Congrats Seniors!!

Active Savannah W. reading a poem to senior Kathryn L.
Sweethearts Actives at Senior Call

On Sunday, May 8, the day started off with our End of the Semester Banquet at Serranos on Red River. It was held in a beautiful private room with a great Mexican brunch buffet, and it was the perfect place to mingle and to have our Superlatives presentation. Superlatives are nominated and voted on by active members every semester and are honored at the banquet. Some categories include Miss Sweetheart, Miss Officer, Best Hair, Best Big/Little, etc. Congrats to all the Superlative winners of the semester!

Some of the Superlative Winners (L to R: Susie R., Sholeh A., Dani C.,
Joelle C., Hannah H., Erin H., Laura C., Alyssa G.)
L to R: Courtney O., Laura C., Dani C., and Amanda V. at Banquet
Laura C. is Spring '11 Miss Sweetheart & Dani C. is Miss Officer!

In the evening, Sweethearts went out with a bang at our annual event, Cocktail. Actives and their dates dressed up and danced away the end of the semester on the top deck of Roial on 5th. Musical artist Schwayze happened to be at Roial that night as well, and several Sweethearts chatted and took pictures with him! What a special surprise to top off Sweethearts' seniors last event!

New Sweethearts Kelly G. & Tina S. with Dani C.
Chelsea S., Stasha L., & Laura E. with Schwayze!!
Senior Jackie S. with Savannah W.

Thank you to everyone, especially our Spring '11 officers, for making this semester a one to remember. Again, congratulations to all of our Sweethearts seniors! We are so proud and excited for you all!

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