Monday, January 28, 2013

Announcing Our First Sweetheart of the Week....Jennifer Carter!

Congratulations to Jennifer Carter for being named our most recent Sweetheart of the Week! She has gone above and beyond the minimum requirements to help make our organization the best that it can be! Jennifer is a corporate communications major from Weatherford, Texas, and joined Sweethearts in Spring 2012. Outside of Sweethearts, she enjoys riding horses and shopping. You are the stars in our eyes, Jennifer! 


Sweetie Class: Spring '12

Major: Corporate Communication/Pre-Law

Favorite Thing About Sweethearts: I've met all of my closest friends in Sweethearts, and these girls have become my family away from home. Sweethearts also incorportates everything from activities that support the Longhorns to events that help us reach out to the UT and Austin communities in its agenda. I love that!

What is one piece of advice that you would give to a Sweetie?
Though this may seem a little frustrating, given how stressful sweetie semester can be, definitely be sure to enjoy your time with your sweetie sisters! When you're an active, everyone branches out to do their own thing, and you'll miss spending so much time with those girls from your sweetie class. Also, don't procrastinate. The sweetie semester requirements seem much less daunting when you plan ahead!

If you could have any super power, what would it be and why?
Time travel or the ability to speak every language (if those count!)

If you had to live in freezing cold weather or sweltering hot weather for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
Sweltering hot! I'm a huge sissy when it comes to cold weather.

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