Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sweethearts of the Week

Our first two Sweethearts of the Week for the Fall 2011 semester are Courtney Esmond and Kelly Fine! They have both gone out of their way to contribute to our Fall 2011 recruitment process, and we are SO thankful to have them as members of our organization (and as Active-at-Large and Webmaster). Congratulations girls!


Classification: Junior
Hometown: Richmond, TX
Major: Human Dev
elopment and Family Sciences
Sweetie Class: Fall '10
Interests: running, shopping, reading for fun, sports, hanging out with friends
Favorite pillar: Spirit - I love our tailgates and just hanging out with the greatest Longhorn fans!
What I love the most about being a Texas Sweetheart: I have met my absolute best friend sweetie semester and have made so many other life-long friends as well. It helped make the campus feel a little smaller, and I know that no matter what I can call any of my Sweetheart sisters and they will be there for any of us.

Classification: Sophomore
Hometown: Plano, TX
Major: Journalism
Sweetie Class: Fall freaking '10!
Interests: Reading, shopping, listening to music, webmastering things
Favorite pillar: Service! I love the kids at heart house so much. They're so adorable, and you get closer with all the other Sweethearts while you volunteer.
Favorite memory: Pretty much any second of Sweethearts is a good memory, but if I had to pick just one I'd pick Dream Date! I got to be "auctioned off" with a donation, and at the end of the night we raised over $7,000 for our philanthropy, Heart House! It was really fun and a great way to give back.
What I love the most about being a Texas Sweetheart: I've made so many great friends through this organization. When I look back on the last year, there isn't a single person I've met that I consider less than a friend. We're all really unique, but we complete each other!

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