Monday, May 5, 2014

President's Farewell

How daunting it is to attend a university that compels you to “change the world.” The steps we take on campus today are on a 130 year old foundation established before us by distinguished alumni, like Lady Bird Johnson, Tom C. Clark, and Michael Dell. Needless to say, it is only natural to render ourselves insignificant in comparison to such prestige. W. Clement Stone once said, “Be careful the environment you choose for it will shape you; be careful the friends you choose for you will become like them.” For an environment that will dare me to have overachieving goals, I chose the University of Texas at Austin. For friends that will assist me in attaining these goals, I chose Texas Sweethearts.

It has been my greatest honor and privilege to serve as President of Texas Sweethearts for the spring semester of 2014. Since the time I joined this organization two years ago, we have raised over $20,000 for non-profit organizations, contributed a down payment to build a school in a third world country, conducted over 1,000 random acts of kindness throughout the Austin community, been voted as the Best Student Organization by the Daily Texan and the Longhorn Center for Civic Engagement, expanded our organization to two other Texas universities, and accomplished many other feats unattainable by a single individual. From this organization, I have witnessed the power in numbers, the power in sisterhood, and the power in determination. To all the strong, beautiful, and intelligent women of this organization and our newest alumnae – Know that we can indeed change the world, because not only are we Texas, we are also Texas Sweethearts.

Thank you for an unforgettable semester and for giving me the opportunity to serve an organization that has forever changed my life.

Sweetheart Love,

An-Vi Nguyen
Spring 2014 President