Thursday, May 19, 2011

President's Farewell

With graduation just two short days away, I have found myself reflecting on my college memories quite a bit… and what I’ve found is that they are almost entirely Sweethearts related. The short of it is that Texas Sweethearts has been the most meaningful facet of my college experience, and I owe more of my happiness and success at UT to this organization than any other source.

With a student body of 60,000 students strong, being at UT can be extremely daunting. But after becoming a Sweetheart I never felt lost in the crowd. I still remember how frightened and shy I felt at recruitment—walking up to total strangers, introducing myself and hoping to God I remembered everyone’s names or didn’t say anything stupid. Well, I’m pretty sure I failed at both of those things within the first two seconds, but the more I got to know the different actives, the more I knew I was where I needed to be. Sadly enough I didn’t make it into Sweethearts the first time I applied, but now that I’m completing my final days as President of Texas Sweethearts, I can say that it was well worth the wait.

I truly believe everything happens for a reason, and falling short of making the cut the first time around only reinforced even further that this was the organization for me. Now, I’m thankful for getting into Texas Sweethearts when I did, because it led me to a Sweetie class that was a perfect fit for me. It was the class of Spring 2009 in which I met some of my best friends in the whole world. As a sweetie, I was thrown into a whirlwind semester – jam-packed with service projects, tailgates and social events galore. It certainly had its overwhelming and stressful moments, but I am so proud to be a part of the legendary class of Spring 2009!

If this letter does anything, I hope it shows any prospective members what an exceptional organization Texas Sweethearts truly is, because being a Sweetheart has also led me to a whole host of successes in my life. I came out of my shell and grew into myself as a person. I met some of the most diverse and outgoing girls I have ever met. I gained leadership experience and the courage to try new things, which allowed me to take the leap to eventually study abroad in Argentina. It has allowed me to discover and bolster my passion for service work. It has given weekends of crazy, fun times after weeks of exam and homework hell. But most of all, it has given me my future bridesmaids and a place to call home even after I’m long-gone and graduated.

Texas Sweethearts may not be for you, and that’s ok because there are hundreds of amazing organizations of all shapes and sizes here at UT. But if it is, I can promise you that being a part of this organization will change your life. You will meet some of the most diverse, kindhearted, and fun-loving women you will ever know, and each and every one of them will touch your heart in a way that you will probably never see again in your lifetime. I know this because that is exactly what Sweethearts did for me.

I will miss Sweethearts more than words can ever express, but I look forward to what the future generations of Sweethearts have to bring!

Much love to you all,

Laura Ceglio
Texas Sweethearts President Spring 2011

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Farewell Spring '11

Senior Call 2011 on Lake Travis
As classes came to an end on Friday, May 6, our actives enjoyed a Sweethearts filled weekend to cap off the spring semester. First off, on Saturday, May 7, actives came together for our annual Senior Call, and it was an event to remember. Actives spent the afternoon on a barge on Lake Travis celebrating the graduation of our senior members. A special tradition of Senior Call is that each senior has a poem written for them, and the poems are read aloud by another active that they are close friends with. The poem reading brought tears and laughter for everyone! With food, swimming, sun, and sisterhood, Senior Call 2011 was a great way to show our seniors how much we will miss them. The graduating seniors are some of the most active and influential members that Sweethearts has ever had, and they will truly be missed by the entire organization. We wish you the best in all your future endeavors and know that each and everyone of you will reach new heights. Congrats Seniors!!

Active Savannah W. reading a poem to senior Kathryn L.
Sweethearts Actives at Senior Call

On Sunday, May 8, the day started off with our End of the Semester Banquet at Serranos on Red River. It was held in a beautiful private room with a great Mexican brunch buffet, and it was the perfect place to mingle and to have our Superlatives presentation. Superlatives are nominated and voted on by active members every semester and are honored at the banquet. Some categories include Miss Sweetheart, Miss Officer, Best Hair, Best Big/Little, etc. Congrats to all the Superlative winners of the semester!

Some of the Superlative Winners (L to R: Susie R., Sholeh A., Dani C.,
Joelle C., Hannah H., Erin H., Laura C., Alyssa G.)
L to R: Courtney O., Laura C., Dani C., and Amanda V. at Banquet
Laura C. is Spring '11 Miss Sweetheart & Dani C. is Miss Officer!

In the evening, Sweethearts went out with a bang at our annual event, Cocktail. Actives and their dates dressed up and danced away the end of the semester on the top deck of Roial on 5th. Musical artist Schwayze happened to be at Roial that night as well, and several Sweethearts chatted and took pictures with him! What a special surprise to top off Sweethearts' seniors last event!

New Sweethearts Kelly G. & Tina S. with Dani C.
Chelsea S., Stasha L., & Laura E. with Schwayze!!
Senior Jackie S. with Savannah W.

Thank you to everyone, especially our Spring '11 officers, for making this semester a one to remember. Again, congratulations to all of our Sweethearts seniors! We are so proud and excited for you all!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Fall 2011 Officer Board

After a long night of elections, we are so excited to finally announce our Fall 2011 Officer Board! With our amazing new officers, it is going to be an incredible semester, and we cannot wait to help our organization mature and accomplish bigger and better things. Congratulations Fall '11 Officers!

President: Hallah S.
Vice President: Sapna P. 
Recruitment Chair: Stephanie J.
Treasurer: Bianca W.
Secretary: Melissa M.
Relations Chair: Susie R.
Service Co-Chair: Dani C.
Service Co-Chair: Tina S.
Social Co-Chair: Josette P.
Social Co-Chair: Hilary P.
Spirit Chair: Kara P.
Creative Director: Sarah R.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Congratulations Spring '11 Sweeties!

We are so excited to call our Spring 2011 Sweetie Class official Texas Sweethearts! Congratulations girls, you all worked so hard this semester, and we are proud of all 31 of you. We can't wait to see you grow with our organization and become awesome actives!

Spring 2011 Sweeties 
Sweetie Tailgate (props to Spring '11 Sweetie Spirit Chair, Vanessa Rojas!)
Spring '11 Sweeties
Sweeties at their first event of the semester!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sweetheart of the Week

Congratulations to Sweetheart of the week, Darcy Dean! Darcy has been extremely supportive of our organization, and we are so appreciative of everything she has done for Texas Sweethearts! Congrats Darcy!

Classification: Sophomore
Hometown: Aledo, TX
Major: Government
Sweetie Class: Spring '10
Interests: Jogging, listening to music, traveling, hanging out with friends
My favorite Sweethearts pillar (spirit, social, service): Social! I love mixers and our events downtown, plus just getting to do everyday things like hang out and go to dinner with other Sweethearts.
Favorite Sweetheart event/memoryOU Weekend Fall 2010, because it was crazyyy fun
What I love most about being a Texas Sweetheart: Getting to know and making friends with an amazing group of girls